
HTML5 template

No fluff here. An HTML5 doctype, some meta tags, and a body element waiting for you to fill it with content.

Modular file structure

Keep what you want, get rid of what you don't. But be warned, there isn't much to get rid of.

Readable type scale.

Help your readers see your content. Don't hide it from them with your 12px font.

SCSS enabled

Hit the ground running with some basic scss utilities and organization. Includes Normalize.css. Oh it's also crazy light-weight. 2.2KB minified and 214B gzipped. That's mobile band-width friendly.

Readable Code

Comments are clear and copious. Even the empty files have comments and documentation.

Mixin for mobile-first media queries

NKD comes with two breakpoints for tablet and desktop sized devices. Breakpoints are easy to use as well as easily configurable and extendable. Easy easy easy easy.

Now go get prototyping